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The big list of remote job openings

From a conversation in my Discord; one member brought up a lot of the best remote jobs and job boards come from Twitter. This is a decentralized way of distributing information, which is better than not sharing the information but can be hard to find. 

This list is not a replacement for that, but it's pretty close. Here's the master remote vacancy list for remote jobs in the United States.

This job board is in no way just for IT jobs, there are all sorts of jobs from sales, teaching, upper management, data entry, design, customer service, and more. Take a look if you're looking for a new job. 

Some Tips:

  • Try searching the full row for the job in Google. There are better job boards where the job posting is more up to date; instead of using the link provided.
  • Don't spam one company, make sure if you're using the shotgun approach, you aren't letting the companies you're applying for know that
    • There's a lot of advice on how to get a job online. Some of you may disagree with this point. I'd like to clarify that if many applications come to one hiring manager's desk; your desperation may come into question. 
  • Get your resume reviewed by someone, anyone, before you send it! There's no room for spelling mistakes and clunky sentences here! 
    • If you are in infosec, you have to check out, the must-read, for great resume advice from hacks4pancakes check out her video on resume no-nos too! 


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