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The problem with sensing finger magnets

 Okay, I have to make this post quick, but the second part will be way worth the payoff. October 3rd I'm having one of my sensing magnets taken out that I've had for about 5 years; since Nov 2016. It's clearly rejected and when I tried to make the situation better, I made it worse. 

In previous posts or tweets, I've mentioned I had a method to re-stimulate the magnet. Do not attempt. It's likely the reason it's now rejected after so many years. 

Biohacking comes with a lot of risk, especially if you're afraid of needles and knives, but the benefits outweight the risks. I loved having a strong magnetic sense with both of the magnets. I love the honor I've had to have them all this time. But now it's painful to use my finger and there's a large black bulge where the magnet wants to exit my finger. 

Some questions I have before cutting open:

1. How am I going to numb my finger? What method will work?

2. Is the coating or silicone broken? Any risk of heavy metal poisoning?

3. Will I have to take the other out?

4. Will my finger heal correctly? 

5. Will I get another magnet somewhere else?

I hope to have the answers to these questions along with pictures and video for my next post. You can look for updates from Brock too at


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