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The Browser Poll

 Which browser do you use? Thanks for any boosts! I wanna know!

Oh cool! More internet points! I made this poll and it got some attention so I thought I'd share it. 

The first 54 votes of 26,177 were erased after I edited the poll. If you edit a poll's options, such as adding one, all of the votes go back to zero. Oops. I forgot to add safari, and are large amount of people let me know. The most popular "other" answer was  Vivaldi. Other popular answers were versions of Chromium and DuckDuckGo. 

While this was the final results, for a majority of the time, Firefox has a much stronger lead against Chrome. The poll started first around when the lead was large, and as the poll moved around the fediverse, the gap narrowed. 

A couple other comments sounded like "Why only one option" or why they picked their particular browser. I definitely got the information I was looking for. Check out the post for more replies and cool facts! 

Edit 12/4: After hearing negative comments about Brave's CEO (I haven't researched this myself, so excuse any ambiguity) and all of the responses about Vivaldi, I have migrated. 


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